
A Slop Publisher Sold a Ripoff of My Book on Amazon

For $4.99, you too could buy "SUMMARY OF JOSEPH COX’S DARK WIRE." It's contents might be AI-generated.
A Slop Publisher Sold a Ripoff of My Book on Amazon
A screenshot of the summary cover and my real book's cover.

Like some (many? most? all?) authors I sometimes check how my book is doing on Amazon and other booksellers. Recently while doing that, I came across another listing on the online retailer: “SUMMARY OF JOSEPH COX’S DARK WIRE,” referring to the book I spent years researching, investigating, and writing. It cost $4.99.

Curious whether this product was an AI-generated rip-off of my work, I bought a copy. Flicking through the digital pages, the summary, rather expectedly, condensed each of my chapters into a few page overview. Details I had gone to incredible lengths to get, including flying around the world to meet criminals face-to-face, or sneaking into a law enforcement conference, or slowly building trust with understandably scared sources was plopped into this new book with little context on how they got there or why they mattered.

For example, here is the original opening of my book, about a drug trafficker called Owen Hanson: 
