Fired Employee Allegedly Hacked Disney World's Menu System to Alter Peanut Allergy Information
Why the US General In Charge of Nuclear Weapons Said He Needs AI
Elon Musk-Funded PAC Supercharges ‘Progress 2028’ Democrat Impersonation Ad Campaign
Leaked Training Shows How Doctors in New York’s Biggest Hospital System Are Using AI
Scientists and Archivists Worry Epic Games’ Control of the 3D Model Market Will ‘Destroy’ Cultural Heritage
Who’s this Medieval Dead Guy at the Bottom of a Castle Well?
Podcast: How Politician Turned Advocate Susanna Gibson Battles Non-Consensual Imagery
Behind the Blog: Perverse Virality
It Is Now Legal to Hack McFlurry Machines (and Medical Devices) to Fix Them
Redbox's Last DVD: 'Twister' Is Unrentable in Remaining Redbox Kiosks and No One Knows Why
Chinese T-Shirt Maker Flooded Facebook with Ads Promising to Donate Money to Harris, Trump, SuperPACs
Podcast: How the U.S. Government Tracks Your Phone