Behind The Blog

Behind the Blog: Risks, Attention, and Telegram

This is Behind the Blog, where we share our behind-the-scenes thoughts about how a few of our top stories of the week came together. This week, we discuss communicating risks, brain rot, and the arrest of Telegram's CEO.
Behind the Blog: Risks, Attention, and Telegram

This is Behind the Blog, where we share our behind-the-scenes thoughts about how a few of our top stories of the week came together. This week, we discuss communicating risks, brain rot, and the arrest of Telegram's CEO.

JASON: I wanted to address one thing a few commenters have asked about on my article about Four Thieves Vinegar Collective, an anarchist group making pirated, DIY versions of patented pharmaceuticals. A few people have asked about safety, or felt like the article didn’t spend enough time addressing whether it is safe to make DIY versions of medications. I talked about this on our podcast a bit but wanted to write a little bit more about it here. 
