def con

DEF CON Badge Maker Pulled Off Stage Amid Claims of Non-Payment and Failed Work

Entropic Engineering, the small company that helped manufacture this year’s DEF CON badge, claims the conference organizers failed to pay for completed work. DEF CON says the company went well over budget.
DEF CON Badge Maker Pulled Off Stage Amid Claims of Non-Payment and Failed Work
Photo credit: 404 Media

On Friday DEF CON security pulled Dmitry Grinberg, a person responsible for much of the code running on this year’s electronic conference badge, off stage while he was originally scheduled to talk about the badge’s creation. 

The move came as Grinberg and the company responsible for manufacturing the badges claim that DEF CON organizers have failed to pay them for work done on the badge. DEF CON says the developers went over budget and included unauthorized code in the badge which tried to solicit extra funds from attendees. DEF CON is an annual hacking conference held in Las Vegas.
