
Homemade Porn Site Promises Not to Train AI on Performers

Lustery, a site for consent-based homemade porn, has added a new clause to its contract promising not to replace human performers with AI without consent.
Homemade Porn Site Promises Not to Train AI on Performers
Image: Lustery

Lustery, a porn platform offering “consent-based sex video content by real couples worldwide,” is updating the contracts every performer who is featured in one of its videos has to sign with a new clause that ensures the site will not use AI to create additional content or replace the performers without their consent. 

“In an age where AI services like ChatGPT are censoring adult and sex-related content, they reinforce control over people's freedom of sexual expression. By offering these services for free, they further entrench the notion that everything online should be free—a dangerous gateway to piracy,” Lustery founder Paulita Pappel said in a press release. “It’s crucial to support ethical adult content by paying for your porn, ensuring that real people are valued and not replaced by AI. Our freedom of sexual expression and the livelihoods of performers depend on it. Pornography is ethical, while creating and sharing intimate images with AI without consent is not.”

Lustery’s announcement says the company’s new contract clause was inspired by recent agreements between Hollywood studios and two unions, the Writers Guild of America and the actors’ union SAG-AFTRA, which introduced limitations last year on how studios can use AI for scriptwriting and for generating performances.

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