
Instagram Begins Randomly Showing Users AI-Generated Images of Themselves

Meta AI put a Redditor into "an endless maze of mirrors" as part of a new AI feature it is testing.
Instagram Begins Randomly Showing Users AI-Generated Images of Themselves
Image: Green_Video_9831 via Reddit

Instagram has begun testing a feature in which Meta’s AI will automatically generate images of users in various situations and put them into that user’s feed. One Redditor posted over the weekend that they were scrolling through Instagram and were presented an AI-generated slideshow of themselves standing in front of “an endless maze of mirrors,” for example. 

“Used Meta AI to edit a selfie, now Instagram is using my face on ads targeted at me,” the person posted. The user was shown a slideshow of AI-generated images in which an AI version of himself is standing in front of an endless “mirror maze.” “Imagined for you: Mirror maze,” the “location of the post reads.”

“Imagine yourself reflecting on life in an endless maze of mirrors where you’re the main focus,” the caption of the AI images say. The Reddit user told 404 Media that at one point he had uploaded selfies of himself into Instagram’s “Imagine” feature, which is Meta’s AI image generation feature. 

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People on Reddit initially did not even believe that these were real, with people posting things like "it's a fake story," and "I doubt that this is true," "this is a straight up lie lol," and "why would they do this?" The Redditor has repeatedly had to explain that, yes, this did happen. "I don’t really have a reason to fake this, I posted screenshots on another thread," he said. 404 Media sent the link to the Reddit post directly to Meta who confirmed that it is real, but not an "ad."

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