
Podcast: Replacing 404 Media with AI

Emanuel's AI-powered ripoff news site; we listen to the music that has record labels suing startups; and chatbots have changed their personalities overnight.
Clockwise: Sam Cole, Joseph Cox, Jason Koebler, Emanuel Maiberg.
Image: 404 Media.

We are now giving paid subscribers full video versions of the podcast too! Check below for the unlisted YouTube link. You'll only see this if you are a paid subscriber! We are also testing uploading video versions of the free podcast to Spotify, as well as YouTube.

Here's a fun one: Emanuel made his own ChatGPT-powered news site that ripped off our work and that of WIRED, The Verge, and others to show just how easy spinning up one of these AI click farms really is. After the break, we listen to some of the AI-generated music that has major record labels suing some startups. In the subscribers-only section, Sam tells us all about how a bunch of chatbots suddenly changed personality overnight.

Listen to the weekly podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Become a paid subscriber for access to this episode's bonus content and to power our journalism. If you become a paid subscriber, check your inbox for an email from our podcast host Transistor for a link to the subscribers-only version! You can also add that subscribers feed to your podcast app of choice and never miss an episode that way. We will try to email the subscribers-only unlisted YouTube link for the extended video version too.

Scroll below for the subscribers-only video version of the podcast!
