
Podcast: The Worst Telecom Breach Ever

We explain why the AT&T breach is possibly the worst one to hit a telecom ever. Then, the world of AI through the eye's of JD Vance, and inside a face fraud factory.
Clockwise: Joseph Cox, Sam Cole, Jason Koebler, Emanuel Maiberg.
Image: 404 Media.

Sometimes a hack just completely blows you away. Late last week we learned that hackers had taken the call and text records of “nearly all” AT&T customers. That's absolutely staggering! We break down why it matters in the first half of the show, as well as discuss one of the hackers linked to the incident. After the break, Emanuel tells us about what the new Vice President hopeful JD Vance could mean for the AI industry. In the subscribers-only section, we talk all about a site selling faces for fraud.

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