
Self Tanner and Cheap Ties: Bankruptcy Filings Reveal Rudy Giuliani's Amazon Purchases

Court documents show what the former mayor of NYC has been buying on Amazon lately, including a lot of socks, ties, and self-tanning lotion.
Self Tanner and Cheap Ties: Bankruptcy Filings Reveal Rudy Giuliani's Amazon Purchases
Screenshots via Youtube / Amazon

Rudy Giuliani has been racking up some questionable and sad Amazon purchases, according to recent court documents made public as part of his bankruptcy claim proceedings.

Giuliani, former mayor of New York City, former attorney for president Donald Trump, and current federally-indicted defendant in an election meddling case and in multiple civil cases, filed for bankruptcy in December 2023. 

As part of the bankruptcy proceedings, Giuliani’s spending habits are public information, revealed across multiple court documents. Defendants sometimes use bankruptcy as a tactic to stall civil trials—as Gateway Pundit is accused of doing, as was trafficking ring Girls Do Porn—but the repercussions of that move mean one’s spending and earnings are exposed to court, and public, review. 

As spotted by Business Insider correspondent Jacob Shamsian, Giuliani’s been ordering a lot of ties:

But that’s not all the filings revealed. Giuliani spent $1,892 on Amazon purchases in May 2024 alone. They include: 

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