5 posts

Hidden ‘BopSpotter’ Microphone Is Constantly Surveilling San Francisco for Good Music
“This is culture surveillance. No one notices, no one consents. But it's not about catching criminals. It's about catching vibes."

These Songs Are Still Legal in Chechnya
Making 80 to 116 BPM music illegal won't stop stomp-clap or ska.

Unionized YouTube Workers Learn Google Laid Them All Off During City Council Meeting
“They just laid us all off. Our jobs are ended today. Effective immediately.” A bell rings. “I’m sorry, your time has expired."

Nicki Minaj Stans Have Built an AI-Generated, Sci-fi World
This is your captain speaking: Ahead of Minaj's 'Pink Friday 2' out on December 8, fans flock to an AI-generated world of their own making.

Has Anyone on the Internet Listened to Garth Brooks’ New Album Released Exclusively on CD Through Bass Pro Shops? An Investigation
The best-selling country music artist of all time released a new album called Time Traveler last week. It is possible to count by hand how many people have posted on the internet about it.