
28 posts
Do Spencer’s Vibrators Have Malware on Them? An Investigation

Do Spencer’s Vibrators Have Malware on Them? An Investigation

We tested the vibrator that a Spencer's customer claims almost gave their computer malware.
Annual Reminder: 23andMe Is a Dangerous Christmas Gift That Could Have Unforeseen Impacts on Your Entire Family, Your Children, Etc.

Annual Reminder: 23andMe Is a Dangerous Christmas Gift That Could Have Unforeseen Impacts on Your Entire Family, Your Children, Etc.

The ever-worsening 23andMe hack shows the inherent vulnerability of genetic databases designed to show connections between people.
Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits to Their Friends and Family

Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits to Their Friends and Family

"I can see that one of my friends is apparently watching a ton of cheesy, soft porn stuff," a user said of Plex's Week in Review email and Discover Together feature.
Cops Sneak Onto Man’s Property, Confiscate Surveillance Camera Without a Warrant

Cops Sneak Onto Man’s Property, Confiscate Surveillance Camera Without a Warrant

Game wardens "put on full camouflage outfits" to sneak onto a Virginia hunter's property and confiscated his camera. Now, he's challenging a legal framework called the "Open Fields Doctrine" that let them do it.