4 posts
AI Companies Are Trying to Get MIT Press Books
The non-profit, university press asked its authors for input on how they'd prefer to see any hypothetical AI training deals handled, and plans to base future decisions on what they say, MIT Press told 404 Media.
HarperCollins Confirms It Has a Deal to Sell Authors' Work to AI Company
The Big Five publisher made a deal with an unnamed “artificial intelligence technology company” and is allowing authors to opt-in if they want to join the agreement.
Flood of AI-Generated Submissions ‘Final Straw’ for Small 22-Year-Old Publisher
“The problem with AI is the people who use AI. They don't respect the written word,” the founder of Bards and Sages said.
Romance Authors Riled by 'From Meet-Bot to AI-Do' Writing Workshop
A chapter of the Romance Writers of America organization planned a program called “From Meet-Bot to AI-Do: Crafting Romances in the Realm of AI," but it's since been scrubbed from the site after backlash from authors.